Friday, December 18, 2009

We Should Not Worry

Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." NIV
Just awhile back, I was watching a TV show wherein the wife of an actor who recently died of cancer was being interviewed. She was asked what did she learn from what happened to her husband. And she answered, "Mostly, the proverbial 'do it now'. When you're looking at a very limited time with somebody ... you end up living a lot more in the moment and you realize that we don't have anybody for long."

How many of us, upon waking in the morning, would thank the Lord for what we have? for the beautiful day that is ahead? for the renewed strength? for another opportunity to see and appreciate the beauty of life? How many of us after appreciating the new day would think what they could do for this day? Or what beauty will they discover about today? The joy and happiness they could find and share? Or is it that when we wake up in the morning, the first thing that pops in our mind is the future? is it secured? are we sure of it? Are we saving enough to ensure that we will have a comfortable future? Are we working enough to have a better future? Or maybe what are we going to do today that we could be sure our future will be better?

In the journey of our lives most of us are focused in the distant future that lies ahead. We spend our days thinking, and thinking more, worrying, and worrying more of the future. Everything that we do, everything that we strive for, is all the future. And so we end up taking for granted what we have today. We end up not seeing and appreciating the beauty of what is before us. The beauty and opportunity that today offers.

We spend our days doing things; everything that we could, just to make sure our future is secured. That it will be as we have thought it to be; as we have planned it to be; as we have wanted it to be. And so we end up thinking of nothing but the future. We end up with all our thoughts on the future, and nothing else. And in so doing this, we are actually trying to live in the future already. It is not bad to think of the future, to prepare for the future, but to live in it, to actually live it, something that is not even here yet, that's another thing

Fixing our eyes on the distant future, trying and trying to see, to figure out, what could it be that lies ahead, and trying to secure it, is a futile thing to do. It is actually a waste of time. Because no matter what we do, no matter how we try, it is not just possible, it is too distant tell. That's why it is the future. It is something that is far away.

Our lives are not our own, and the people we love, they are not ours. Time will come when we will have to give back our lives, and our love ones, we'll have to let them go. If we've spent our lives living the future, how are we going to face the day when we will have to give back our lives, or when we will have to let go of our love ones? How are we to leave this world when we haven't tried to live today? How are we to let go, when we haven't notice our love one's existence till that time when they'll have to go?

The Lord created yesterday for us to learn from it. There is today for us to live and appreciate the things that we have and what we have gone through yesterday. And there's the tomorrow that we may learn to hope, to have faith.


I praise my Lord for today,

For the new opportunity,

To live,

To love,

To laugh,

To learn,

And to simply appreciate,

The beauty of the world,

The beauty of my God's creation,

The greatness of His love,

The awesomeness of His mercy,

And His abounding grace.

I thank the Lord for today,

For today,

I will see yet another work of His hand,

Another fruit of His love,

And another miracle of His grace.

I praise and thank my Lord,
For I live today,
I learned from yesterday,
And I can hope for my tomorrow.


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